Tapping Into What a Deer Sees, and Doesn’t

Approximately 30,000 years after hunters took to adorning cave walls with their image of a deer, it occurred to them it might be more productive to consider the deer’s image of a hunter.

This was not an easy task. Deer have not left cave paintings of any humans, much less of hunters in camouflage. Those manly overalls and caps splotched with green leaves and brown branches may have looked invisible in the catalogue and impressed the other humans back at the lodge, but what did the deer think of it? Were they just rolling their eyes at each other?

Eventually, though, a few deer were bribed to reveal their secrets. They were given food pellets in return for taking vision tests. The results were not good news for the camo-clad hunters — but ultimately not really good news for the deer either.

For now, thanks to decades of research into ungulate vision combined with the latest in military concealment technology, hunters can don a computer-generated camouflage with fractal designs that look nothing like a shrub or a tree, at least not to the human eye. Named Optifade, it’s being introduced this fall by W.L. Gore (the makers of the breathable Gore-Tex rain gear) and promoted as the first camouflage scientifically designed to make hunters invisible to deer.

The deer, as usual, are not available for comment, so these claims of invisibility cannot be directly verified. But the psychologists who worked with Gore to develop it — Jay Neitz, an animal-vision expert at the Medical College of Wisconsin, and Timothy O’Neill, who pioneered the United States Army’s digital camouflage as a researcher at West Point — say they’re confident the deer will be fooled.

“A camouflage that makes a person look like a tree can work if you’re in a place where other trees look like that,” Dr. Neitz says. “But what if you’re somewhere else, or if the deer sees you move? This new camouflage is a totally different approach. It fools the deer’s vision system at its roots, so that it doesn’t recognize the person as anything.”

At Dr. Neitz’s laboratory, he tests some animals’ vision by training them to press touch screens, but the deer weren’t quite ready for the computer age. He and researchers at the University of Georgia showed them three cards at a time and rewarded them with food pellets when they picked out the right pattern by pushing a button with their noses.

“We can measure in animals anything you can measure in a human being and every bit as accurate,” Dr. Neitz says. “The difference is that a vision test that might take 10 minutes in a human can take six months.” The research revealed that deer vision is a little blurrier than human vision — about 20/40 — and that deer see the world roughly like a human with red-green colorblindness. Their eyes have only two color receptors (unlike the three in the human eye). Fortunately for hunters, they have a hard time seeing blaze orange.

But they’re more sensitive than humans to light at the blue end of the spectrum. And thanks to the eyes on either side of the head, they can see a field of vision covering 270 degrees.

Once they had assessed the deer’s visual strengths and weaknesses, Dr. Neitz and Dr. O’Neill worked out colors, textures and shapes with Guy Cramer of HyperStealth Biotechnology, a company that designs military camouflage. Mr. Cramer’s computer algorithms create fractal patterns that exploit a couple of ancient tricks used by animal predators.

The first and most obvious trick is to fade into the background, as a leopard’s spots enable it to do while it’s patiently waiting to ambush a prey. The spots aren’t shaped like leaves or branches, but they form an overall “micropattern” matching the colors and overall texture of the woodland background.

That trick, though, won’t work for a predator on the move, which is why a tiger doesn’t have spots. It has a “macropattern” of stripes that break up the shape of its body as it’s stalking or running.

“The prey can detect the tiger’s movement,” Dr. Neitz says, “but if the shape isn’t recognized as the outline of a tiger, nothing registers in the higher center of the prey’s brain.”

After 19th-century naturalists and 20th-century psychologists analyzed these camouflage techniques, military researchers worked out formulas for the optimum patterns. Before he retired from the engineering psychologydepartment at the United States Military Academy, Dr. O’Neill developed the type of pixelated digital camouflage — made up of tiny colored squares — adopted in the past decade by many armies.

“The essence of digital camouflage goes back to the old question: Is the purpose of camouflage to match the background or to break up the shape of the target?” Dr. O’Neill says. “The answer is yes — you do both. You create a micropattern that matches the ‘busyness’ of the background and makes it harder to detect the target, and you overlay it with a macropattern that makes it harder to recognize the shape of the target once you’ve detected it.” (For a look at these patterns, go to TierneyLab.)

But no matter how carefully the patterns have been computed, no matter how precisely the new hunter’s digital camouflage is calibrated to deer’s vision, there remains one large uncertainty: Will hunters wear overalls covered with pixelated squares that look like computer-generated abstract art? Or will they stick with their traditional preference (see cave paintings) for representational art?

Getting soldiers, at least the male ones, to switch to digital camouflage wasn’t easy, Dr. O’Neill says, because for many men camouflage is less about invisibility than fashion. Some soldiers hung on to the old-fashioned designs because of what Dr. O’Neill called the C.D.I. factor: Chicks Dig It.

If male hunters feel that way about their old overalls, there may still be lots of shrubs and trees toting guns and bows during hunting season. These guys may or may not be right about women going for this look. But the deer probably appreciate it.

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Turkey Spurs are Like Antlers to a Deer Hunter

For the Love of Wild Turkey Spurs

It’s one of the first things we study on a wild turkey gobbler when we give thanks and reflect on the many powerful feelings we have after killing one.

Often, as that bird struts toward us, wheels and turns, we catch a first glimpse of leg spurs on the bird.

Wild turkey spurs are expected and common on male wild turkeys, though some atypical specimens are occasionally spurless. We often age a gobbler by spur length: an inch-long at two years, and less for a young gobbler. Slowly, surely the spur develops into what we turkey hunters might call “hooks” as the bird grows older.

“Limbhanger” status is achieved when you can hang a gobbler securely on a tree limb.

Yes, some spurs break off, are rubbed down on rocky terrain, stunted and shorter than the rule. That’s the beauty of studying wild turkey spurs. All are different.

Color Variations

Turkey spurs have color variations.

Some are black, some gray, while others can be pinkish, even pearlescent and tipped with dark tones.

But measuring the length of spurs is what really gets some turkey hunters going.

How to Measure Spurs

To measure each spur correctly, either for personal reasons to submit it to the record books, tape the length along the outside of each spur.

Do this from where each spur emerges on the scaly leg to the spur tip.

Displaying Spurs

Old-school turkey hunters sometimes create a hat band made of spurs, or even a necklace bearing each sharp spur.

You still see a bit of this at the NWTF Convention every year, and it’s great to strike up a conversation about the spurs, the hunts that brought the bird to hand and so forth.

This has always reminded me of a waterfowler wearing leg bands on a lanyard.

Some of us create shadow boxes to hold spurs and the hunt memories, or simply stand them in a fixed position, with weight applied, so they dry in place.

Like antlers on the wall, they often bring back a flood of thoughts and feelings.

Spurred legs in plastic storage boxes can also save your many trophy parts for a look when the mood strikes, as it so often does in the off-season.

Odd Spurs

I’ve seen photos of double-spurred gobblers, and have even had a friend or two kill a gobbler with pairs on each tarsus.

I’ve been in a turkey camp or two where a gobbler had none. And sometimes a bird will have one long spur and one a bit shorter.

Young spring gobblers, a.k.a. jakes, can have small pimple spurs (late hatch last year) or some measuring a half-inch or so, but under an inch (early hatch last year; or a late hatch the year before, geography depending). Fall jakes, roughly 18-months-old, also have spurs shy of an inch, but surely worthy of a second look or two.

Hens also have a small, barely discernable pimple on each leg if you look real close. To call it a spur would be exaggerating.

In the end, spurs are yet another distinguishing characteristic of the wild turkey, a game bird many of us truly love to hunt. All spurs are cool.

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Scouting. Shooting. Running trail cameras. Hanging treestands. If you’re a serious deer hunter, you’re likely doing all of these things and more.

But here’s something I bet you’re not doing enough of.

Finding new spots to hunt.

When it comes to hunting big, mature bucks, which is what most serious deer hunters are after, nothing is more important than location.

You can be a crack shot, an expert at deciphering deer travel patterns or a professional food plot planter – but if the type of deer you’re after don’t actually exist where you’re hunting, you’re just pissing your time away. Before any of the tactical things matter in a hunt, you first need to be in the right location.

If you own a 1,000 acres of primo hunting ground, you might be all set. But for the rest of us, that means we need to constantly be working to find quality hunting locations.

Those of us without a mega-property likely fall into one of two groups. Group one includes those who currently think they have a good spot to hunt. Group two doesn’t feel so good about their spot.

So for those of you in group one, maybe you haven’t been struggling in you’re current area,  but guess what? You still should find new spots to hunt. Why? Because you never know when you might lose your lease or when the landowner who lets you hunt might change his mind or when the property next to your farm might get turned into a dirt bike track. You can never have too many quality places to hunt because things change, and when they do, you better be prepared.

On the other hand, if you’ve been struggling in recent years to see quality bucks and don’t feel so good about your area, stop settling. Quality bucks are out there, you just need to hunt them where they live.

Most hunters I talk to have a property or two they’ve always hunted and they keep hunting that spot over and over and over, because it’s easy, it’s what they’ve always done, it’s comfortable. But then I hear complaints from these same hunters about how they never see “big bucks”, or how they have awful neighbors who kill all the deer, or how the property they hunt isn’t set up well, the list goes on and on. But still, these hunters keep hunting those same spots. They keep doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results, but getting the same.

Don’t be like that.

Hit the pavement. Knock on doors. Talk to locals. Make calls. Do the work.

Finding new spots to hunt isn’t always easy, but it’s almost always worth it.

So this spring, put in the work. Widen your horizons. Find a new spot to hunt. Or maybe two. Or three.

99% of serious deer hunters don’t do this enough.

Be the 1%.

Orginially posted on wiredtohunt by Mark Kenyon

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Coon Hunting-Tips To Help You Get Started With This Awesome Sport

Coon hunting is one of the most popular sports in America today, it is quickly becoming more and more popular seemingly everyday. Very simply, hunting for coons is great for both beginners and avid hunters, as raccoon can be a great way to practice your hunting skills for the larger game.

There are few things as fun as being out on the trail in the middle of the night, with your hunting dog bellowing in the distance and being out in the forest. Here are some great tips to help you to find the best places to go coon hunting, and also the best coon hunting supplies to utilize.

First of all, keep in mind that hunting raccoons is not only great for getting a good meal, but also good for farmers because they don’t worry about the raccoons getting into their crops and destroying them. Also, no matter how good a hunter you are, raccoons will offer a great challenge for you, because they are very good swimmers and tree climbers, and can allude you very easily.

Since raccoons sleep during the day and are active at night, it is very helpful to have a well trained hunting dog to assist in coon hunting trips. You will need a lot of different supplies and equipment to be a successful coon hunter because of the difficulty that this kind of hunting can offer you.

Very simply, the hunting dog you have must be very quick and have excellent sense of smell. When coons climb trees, especially in the middle of the night, just about the only way you can ever find them is by having a hunting dog to track their scent. The hunting lights are extremely important, because without a good one you’ll never catch the coon because you simply can’t see.

Of course, by far the most important aspect of hunting raccoons is to make sure you know the area your targets will be hiding in ahead of time. Very simply, when you don’t know the area, it will be extremely hard to find coons, particularly at night. It’s hard enough to hunt during the day without understanding the area, but when you try to do it at night, it is virtually impossible.

Therefore, make sure you know all the places where the raccoons go for their feeding, where they live, their favorite trees to climb, etc. Also, if you plan to hunt on private land, make sure you receive permission from the owner of the land. If you don’t, you will be in for a lot of legal trouble.

During the late winter, the raccoon spurs the heaviest, making this the ideal time to go to hunting.

These are utilized many times for both for coats and hats, collars, winter gloves, etc. Therefore, when you do your hunting during the winter, you can expect to get the most return on your investment.

The bottom line is, coon hunting is a great sport for the avid outdoorsman, because you can do it outdoors, at night, and in some awesome scenery. If you enjoy being outdoors, this is a perfect four for you.

This kind of hunting can not only offer you the opportunity to profit when you catch a good coon, but can also give you a chance to unwind after a long work week. Hopefully these coon hunting tips will help you to become a successful hunter as quickly as possible.

Examples of Effective Deer Sounds and Calling

Whitetail deer aren’t that articulate, yet they are very curious animals. They make about three general sounds. Most their sounds are variations of grunts, snorts and bleats. They apply the sounds in different levels of sound pitch and intensity to express general feelings. In essence, these animals react to whitetail deer calls mainly because of their curiosity, mating and another male deer’s encroachment. What they say may comprise of, “This way,” “I need help,” “Leave me alone,” “I’m not happy” or “I am ready to mate.”
Knowing which calls that trigger unique reactions which get you in the game, along with generating the good hunting call with the perfect routine gives you the prospect to shoot.

Whitetail deer really are sociable wildlife, and they are curious about different deer. In the Fall, when the buck deer tend to be in bachelor groupings, and does are with their young are in their family groups, call sounds may encourage reactions of interpersonal curiosity. Bucks usually are attracted to other male deer, as well as does tend to be intrigued in visiting female deer that come into their areas. Short, monotone “social” buck grunts can excite curiosity in bucks, and fawn or doe bleats will certainly draw in female deer. Buck deer tend to be interested about other bucks sparring in their area, thus light horn rattles can work at this time.

When the rut approaches, male deer are a lot more hostile and antagonistic to other male deer of similar size and stature. We call this a territorial reaction, because I really do not think a buck draws a “line in the sand” and guards a particular area during the rut. Some will react to male whitetail grunts, but far more hostility. White tail bucks come to explore other bucks during this time period, therefore bucks grunts continue to work.
During this time, much more aggressive calling sounds can be successful. Snort-wheezes, irritated grunts and aggressive horn rattling will bring in dominating big bucks in ideal scenarios, but these sounds can also intimidate and scare away smaller deer. Be careful with those deer hunting calls.

Right after most female deer get to the height of their estrus fertility cycles, the rutting is in full action, and male deer tend to be a lot more curious about does instead of other male bucks. Doe bleat calls become the most effective deer calls, with years of practice you don’t need a caller and you can make your own sounds.

With a lot of deer hunting calls at the bow hunting store, including a variety of hunter’s products. You will find great success utilizing aggressive doe bleat calls, but bucks desperately in search of female to mate with may come to anything which seems similar to a doe. Also, an estrous doe attempting to make contact with a male deer will respond to buck calls. These are suggestions associated with the many basic socializations and calling events. New calls and strategies occur each hunting season, and many can operate nicely when executed appropriately and at the appropriate time. Be familiar with the fundamentals. Beyond that, you should assess what’s right for your bow hunting techniques.

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7 Tips and Tricks That Will Make You A Great Deer Hunter

Deer Hunting Tip #1: Cover Your Scent

The ability to fully cover up your scent is one of the primary determinants of whether your deer hunting sessions will be a success or not. The deer can sense human smell a mile away – not forgetting that they can also detect the smell you leave on the ground as well as in the air as you walk.

The good news is that you can easily cover up you scent and prevent the deer from detecting you by using some scent eliminator. Simply spray the bottom of your boots and hunting stand with an odor eliminator. Bathing with a scent-free soap before every hunting trip also ensures that you don’t leave your scent in the air. One more thing: always ensure that you’re downwind to your range to further prevent the game from detecting your smell.

Deer Hunting Tip #2 : Dupe the Deer

If you fall into the category of deer hunters who don’t believe in tricking deer with decoys, calls, etc., then you have been missing a lot! But it’s never too late. You can start incorporating different methods of tricking the deer into your range and thus increase your luck in the woods.

Decoys can be an excellent way to fool the deer. Modern models come with lifelike features that enable them to trick the deer easily.

As long your decoy setup is correct, you’ll surely get deer visitors to your hunting area. Other methods of duping the deer include the use of calls, e.g. the grunt tube and bleat cans and even the rattling of antlers to draw in the deer to your range for a perfect shot!

Take Note: before using the above deer tricks, it’s important to learn how and when to use them to get the most out of them.

Deer Hunting Tip #3 : Be Attractive  

You heard that right.

Using deer attractants is another strategy that veteran hunters have been using to maximize their hunting success. Fortunately, the market has all kinds of deer attractants; ranging from deer feeddeer urinedeer feeders, and so much more.

These enable you to attract the deer to your stand for easy take-down. A great example where the deer attractants have been proven to work is the use of the drag rag soaked in the doe estrus in the peak-rut season.

Often, bucks will follow these trails right to your waiting stand!

Deer Hunting Tip #4 : Try Using a Bow

Using a bow to hunt deer? Great! This part is for you.

Using a compound bow has proven to be a great asset when it comes to deer hunting and many hunters swear by it. But to enjoy the ultimate success when using your bow and arrow in the woods, you need to take care of a few things:

  • Ensure that you have the ideal bow for you: one that fits your size and strength and that you’re comfortable using.
  • Accuracy matters most: when that magical moment appears (when the buck enters your shooting range), you’ve got only one chance and your accuracy is all you need to grab the chance. Do everything to ensure you get the buck down with the first shot. Employ accuracy enhancing accessories such as the single pin bow sight. Don’t let the opportunity go!
  • Practice makes perfect: if you wait until the hunting day to use your bow, you’ll definitely fail. The surest way to hone your archery skills is by practicing shooting at different elevations and positions using readily available archery targets.
  • Use razor-sharp broadheads: most bowhunters recommend this type of arrowhead, quoting its capability to kill the game more efficiently and even leave a good blood trail.
  • Know your distance: did you know that most of the missed shots are attributed to wrong yardage estimations? When in your tree stand, try ranging the trees at different distances and use them as landmarks in your head. A rangefinder will also be helpful here.

Deer Hunting Tip #5 : Be Quiet

So you believe that after fully covering your human scent you’re safe?

You’re wrong.

Deer have excellent hearing  as well. In fact, they can quickly detect your movements from a quarter mile away on a non-windy day! And if they hear your movements, they can take around two hours to return.

You can avoid making any noise on the hunting day by setting up your stand 1-2 days before. You might also want to walk carefully and step with great care to minimize the chances of your sound spooking the deer.

Wearing special sound eliminating hunting boots or boot covers can drastically reduce the noise you make while walking.

Deer Hunting Tip #6 : Know When to Hunt

Anytime is not the time to hunt the deer…

For the most part, deer are active in the early morning as well as near dusk.This means that the best time to hunt them is early in the morning and in the evening as the sun sets.

For the evening hunts, you ought to set up your stand around the deer feeding area. And for a morning hunt, set up on its route to bedding.

It’s good to note that this strategy does not apply at all times. If you’re in the rut season, feel free to hunt at any time of the day – since the buck will show up at any place, anytime. But be sure to remain downwind of the does.

Deer Hunting Tip #7 : Know Where to Hunt

Scouting a hunting area before the hunting season is recommended.

The deer will need to feed, drink, defecate, and mate.

When and where they do all these things is what you should set out to discover so that you can secure an ideal hunting location.

Different times of the year will always put the deer into different home ranges which are easy to identify by looking for various evidence and indicators such as tracks and droppings.

The tip I can give you is to check out Realtreebeauty.com fragrances to have the perfect scent after your hunt !


The Joy of Duck Hunting

Duck hunting is one of the most popular hunting sports in the world. It is as much a social calling as it is a hunt. In fact, representing a whole set of cultural standards and etiquette rules that many people do not even consider. It has a whole culture all its own, from a proper dress code to duck hunting dogs and assistants. The world of duck hunting is ripe with cultural significance, but it also has a dark side and represents a less than desirable aspect of human nature. Regardless of the point of view, there is something to be learned about duck hunting that may shed some light on either side of the ethical quandary.

Duck hunting is mainly a sporting activity around the world now, as commercial duck hunting has since been banned in most of the developed countries. Duck hunting is, in fact, as old as time itself. There are early indications that ducks and geese were somehow hunted during the Ice Age. Cave drawings indicate that duck hunting was a sound practice early on in human existence, giving way to ducks and swans appearing on cave paintings in Ice Age Europe.

With this international history, duck hunting enjoys a popularity that spreads around the world. It is especially popular in North America, where the largest number of localized ducks can be located. Most ducks use the Mississippi River as a migratory guide, so many duck hunts take place along the river to use it as a guide for finding ducks. Arkansas is a major hotbed of duck hunting, with Stuttgart being considered the “duck hunting capital of the world”.

Duck hunting is often considered popular because of its simplicity. The tools of the trade are simplistic enough, from a decoy set to a shotgun and duck call. The essence of duck hunting is based around the trickery of using the decoy and the duck call in tandem to lure the ducks out and into the air towards the decoy. After this takes place, the ducks are in open range for the hunt and the firing begins. These hunts take place around rivers, streams, lakes and any other bodies of water where ducks can be found.

There are many aspects that stand in contrast to duck hunting, of course. Most waterfowl conservation experts agree that the hunting of any type of waterfowl does little to help any situation. In fact, most marsh and wetland areas are shrinking at tremendous rates, giving rise to the criticism that duck hunting effectively diminishes an already diminishing habitat. There are several organizations that constantly spar with duck hunters over this reality.

Still, some hunters ignore this philosophy and have no interest in any protection of habitats. They, instead, pillage the duck areas and hunt ducks that should not be hunted. Duck hunting remains a controversial sport because of this aspect, unfortunately, and will continue to have a dark side as long as hunters remain blissfully ignorant as to the realities of organizations such as Ducks Unlimited. Without the cooperation of hunters and marshland protectors, duck hunts may be a thing of the past.


Why We Were Never Meant to Eat Grains

Variety of fresh vegetables on display in grocery store

Contrary to popular belief, humans were never meant to eat grains. Let’s take a little peek back at our origins to see why we were never meant to eat grains.

Back in the Stone Age, our ancestors were already built like today’s humans. They were hunter-gatherers, subsisting on fruit, vegetables, and meat. Back then, our ancestors knew that grains such as wheat and potatoes were inedible in their raw state, and steered clear of them completely.

Here’s why — most grains have elements the scientific world calls “anti-nutrients.” These are the elements that prevent animals such as birds, herbivores, and humans form eating them. Doing so would trigger unsavory reactions in the body chemistry, making us sick.

But then our ancestors discovered agriculture. They learned that cooking grains negated most of the toxins, rendering them safe enough to eat. But while human civilization progressed undeniably since then, it has been found that as humans switched to a grain-based diet; they became shorter, frailer, and more prone to sickness and plague than ever before.

The Industrial Revolution worsened things. As food became more mass-produced, people began eating more and more processed and refined grains. And just recently, after the Food Guide Pyramid was established promoting 6-11 servings of grains a day, obesity and heart disease rates began soaring uncontrollably.

Research after research has shown that grains really don’t have a place in our diet. While it’s safe enough to enjoy a bowl of pasta or a slice of toast or a baked potato

every now and then, grains were never meant to form the foundation of our diet. As time passed we’ve grown more aware of the Do’s and Dont’s of our eating habits and revisited the diets our ancestors thrived on — organically-grown fruit, vegetables, and meat for a more healthy diet and lifestyle.

The Ins And Outs Of Bear Hunting

If you are looking for the hunting experience of your life, bear hunting is the thrill for you.
Whether it is brown bear, grizzly bear, or black bear, bear hunting is a dangerous yet thrilling experience that excites most hunters.

If grizzly bear hunting is what tickles your fancy, travel to Alaska and hunt in the Management Unit 9. Grizzly bears dominate MU 9. They dominate MU 21 in Alaska, too. Grizzly bears are considered one of the most dangerous, unpredictable bears in the world, so considerable care is required when hunting these types of bears.

It has been noted that Grizzly bears and brown bears are interchangeable. Outfitters and guides will dispute this belief as they encounter bears – both grizzly and brown – in their day-to-day life. Those that travel on the shore line while bear hunting will experience more brown bears. Those bear hunting more in the interior will come across more grizzlies. Grizzlies are also smaller than brown bears, but genetically, they are the same.

Brown bear hunting is as dangerous as hunting grizzlies. Brown bears are physically larger because they live in a more temperate climate and their diet is high protein, high fat salmon. They are also distinguished by their coloring, which can be anywhere from blonde to brown, and even black.

Black bears, smaller than other bears, are not in any danger of becoming extinct. Their only major threat is poaching. Legal hunting – that is hunting with a licence – regulates the number of bears able to be harvested, which is extremely important to preserve the number of bears in the wild.

Before you go bear hunting, make sure you have the proper equipment to make your hunt successful. Your hunting rifle must be a 30 calibre or higher. The best rifle to use is one that shoots consistently in all types of weather. Outfitters will also tell you that you are responsible for your own gear – the ammo, sleeping bags, personal items, and your firearms permit. Make sure you carry that permit with you at all times when hunting. Alcohol is permitted in camp, but only in moderation. Excessive drinking and firearms are a dangerous combination.

Food banks are the recipients of harvested game animals. As a bear is a huge animal, you would not be able to go through that much meat on your own, so outfitters, who are required by law to salvage the meat, donate it. You can take some bear meat home, if you wish.

Learn the tagging system of the area you plan on hunting in. Knowing this information will allow you to hunt other kinds of wild game – pending that you have the right permit to do so – while bear hunting.


Hunting goes Cyber

Hunting forums are a great place to update your knowledge base about hunting. The tips and tricks posted can come to your aide at any point of time. And you can also learn a lot from the experiences of your fellow hunters. Thus, you can easily avoid the mistakes  others committed. You can post your experiences and thoughts on the forum and let others take full advantage of them.

The tips I read in some of the hunting forums were really effective. One of them was that deer hunting is most effective at dawn or dusk because at this time of a day, the deer is most active. One more was that it is better to find the food source of the animal. You are most likely to trap it there. The third was to find trail marks of land animals. They can give you good idea of the places the animal visits very frequently. Fourth was to build a really good set of notes. Your quest for a hunt can easily weaken your memory. The fifth tip I came across was to keep the body movements to a minimum. Impulsive body actions can easily scare off of the animal. And the most important tip- Be Ready. Hunting is an exercise where a moment of inactivity can cost you.

The two most visited hunting forums are that of deers and ducks. In Deer hunting forums, you can find information regarding all the different species of deers like Whitetail, Mule, Moose, Elk, etc. In these forums, discussions about the different weapons used for deer hunting are also carried out. Weapons like Bow & Arrow, Rifle, Muzzleloader and Shotgun are discussed. Deer hunting forums are also a good place to sell unwanted hunting equipment. Here you can directly communicate with the buyer and bargain the rates. No third-party interference at all. You even get a chance to read about the different recipes of the deer. Discussions about different hunting spots also take place.

There are bear & wolf hunting tips and stories with tons of pictures. Duck hunting forums are similar to deer hunting forums. Only difference is that ducks are the topic of discussion in the former. Also you can talk about goose hunting in here. You can even play online hunting games in these forums. They act as a perfect simulator for the actual activity. Photo sharing is a very popular feature of duck hunting forums.

So we can easily see that hunting is no longer just an on-field activity. There is a lot which goes in it off-field as well. And this is happening due to the advent of internet. The hunting forums provide an excellent opportunity to expand the fun of hunting. They are also responsible for growing number of local hunters.

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